Oleksii Popov

Fullstack Software Engineer (React/Node.js/TypeScript/AWS)
Klagenfurt-Villach area, Austria
I speak English, Ukrainian, Russian, Dutch (A2)


I am a skilled software developer with 12 years of experience in web technologies. I am passionate about developing user-friendly products and have a track record of designing and implementing full-stack solutions, combining frontend, cloud native, and backend areas. My expertise lies in the architecture and development of high-scale single page applications, UI libraries, and SDKs, as well as in the implementation of CI/CD, hosting and distribution solutions.
I am proficient in TypeScript and JavaScript across all stacks and use them whenever possible. However, I am also experienced in maintaining projects in other languages such as Java and PHP.
I am enthusiastic about optimizing applications for improved runtime and faster loading speeds, both for existing projects and new ones.



Architecture and development of high scale single page applications, UI libraries and SDK's, microservices and their infrastructure. System design of full-stack solutions. Application optimization for higher runtime and loading speed and scalability
Good knowledge of object-oriented principles, design patterns, data structures
Leading development of high quality technical solutions, cross-team collaboration, technical interviews, mentorship, code refactoring and review, unit/integration tests. Defining the vision, development strategy and priorities for technologies in projects

Programming languages

Advanced knowledge of JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, HTML, CSS, SCSS. Basic knowledge of Java, PHP


React/Redux/Thunk/Saga, GatsbyJS, NextJS, Tailwind CSS, Storybook etc.


AWS, AWS-CDK, AWS-SDK, Serverless


Node.js, Serverless, Express JS, Wordpress, Netlify CMS, GraphQL, MongoDB, DynamoDB, MySQL


Jest, Mocha, Selenium, Cucumber

Other technologies

Webpack, Rollup, Lerna, NPM, Elastic Search & Kibana, Sumologic, Scalyr, NewRelic, TeamCity, Jenkins, ESList, Prettify, SonarQube/Cloud, sitespeed.io, Lighthouse

Work history (12 years 3 months)

Senior Software Developer

Dynatrace (Klagenfurt, Austria)
October 2023 - Now (9 months)
Maintenance of the new Dynatrace Kubernetes web application
Maintenance of the automated tests

Expert Software Developer

TomTom (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
March 2021 - September 2023 (2 years 6 months)
ReactReduxThunkTypescriptGatsbyJSTailwindCSSGraphQLDockerNode.jsscssjestAWSaws-cdkaws-sdksitespeed.ioGrafanaStorybookJavaSeleniumGitHub actions
Designed and developed the core part of a new route planning single page application - https://plan.tomtom.com. It is a React PWA with pre-rendering, lazy loading, localization, hot module reloading etc
Started development of the new web SDK for TomTom public services and it's distribution infrastructure
Designed and implemented a micro-frontend app for convenient exploration of numerous library demo apps
Implemented a microservice for authentication and it's infrastructure
Supported and improved AWS CI/CD system for https://plan.tomtom.com
Added feature branches support for a high concurrency automation testing infrastructure of https://plan.tomtom.com with feature branch matching between projects
Implemented performance testing dashboard for the existing performance metric collection system

Senior Software Developer

TomTom (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
January 2019 - March 2021 (2 years 2 months)
ReactReduxSagaTypeScriptDockerNode.jsExpress JSSCSSJestAWSServerlessaws-cdkaws-sdksitespeed.ioGrafanaStorybookJavaSelenium
Designed and developed significant part of a next generation mobile friendly Road Trips single page application with pre-rendering, server-side rendering, lazy loading, localization, hot module reloading etc. This project was cancelled :( , but re-born in a new route planning web app - https://plan.tomtom.com
Implemented AWS CI/CD system with feature branches support for the web app
Initiated and implemented basis of reusable UI and SDK npm libraries and their distribution infrastructure with feature branches support. That accelerated and simplified collaboration between mobile and web development teams
Implemented high concurrency automation testing infrastructure for the web app that minimized execution time of Selenium java tests from 2 hours to 3 - 5 minutes. Also integrated it with existing CI/CD of the web app.
Implemented POC of basic performance testing analysis for web app and infrastructure in AWS, which became a part of regular team workflow.
Implemented microservices for logs proxying, runtime configuration delivery, CI/CD etc and their infrastructure
Implemented POC of realtime technical log monitoring system which became a part of team workflow
Developed a POC service with backend side map rendering

Software developer / Senior software developer

Albelli (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
April 2016 - December 2018 (2 years 8 months)
Participated in development and maintenance of online photo editors and hybrid mobile application
Developed different tools for debugging, logging and fixing customer issues
Set up code quality monitoring system

JavaScript Developer

Insoft Global (Ukraine)
March 2013 - March 2016 (3 years)
Sencha ExtJSSCSSNode.jsJava
Participated in front end and server side development of cloud management platforms, energy management and infrastructure management platforms.
Implemented POC of a hybrid mobile application
Code review, code refactoring, technical interviews, mentorship

JavaScript Developer

July 2012 - March 2013 (8 months)
JavaScriptjQueryCSSBackbone JS
Participated in front end development of a Next Wave Logistics (e-commerce project)

Junior PHP Developer

Simple Solutions
January 2012 - July 2012 (6 months)
Developed numerous websites using Wordpress and OpenCart. Implemented plugins, widgets and themes for Wordpress.
Preliminary project analysis. Tasks estimation. User guides writing

QA Engineer

Simple Solutions
August 2011 - January 2012 (5 months)
Manual testing. Specification writing. UI prototyping

Own projects

My Software Development blog and portfolio (early stage)

It is a wordpress.com powered blog

Hobby blog for my wife

Static website generated by Gatsby JS, backed by Netlify CMS and Github as an identity provider and backend. Also AWS lambda for oAuth via GitHub

Advanced Logger

Open-source isomorphic javascript module for reporting data (logs) to remote log storages like SumoLogic and Loggly with support of different reporting strategies


Master of Science (MSc)

2009 - 2011
National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute of Ukraine
Mechanical Engineering (Cryogenic technology)

Bachelor of Science (BSc)

2005 - 2009
National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute of Ukraine
Mechanical Engineering (Cryogenic technology)
Developed by Oleksii Popov