Oleksii Popov

Full-Stack Software Developer (React/TypeScript/AWS/Node.js)
🇦🇹 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria
🌍 I speak English, Ukrainian, Russian, Dutch
💼 oleksiipopov.com
👨🏻‍💻 github.com/AlexeyPopovUA
🪪 linkedin.com/in/oleksii-popov

About Me

I'm a full-stack software developer with over 13 years of experience, including 7 in senior roles, with focus on front-end development and delivering robust software solutions.
I build user-centric products, leveraging my expertise across frontend, cloud-native, and backend technologies.
I specialize in architecting and developing high-scale single-page applications, UI libraries, and SDKs, while also implementing CI/CD pipelines, hosting, and distribution solutions.
I excel at optimizing application performance for improved runtime efficiency and faster load speeds.
My experience includes leading the development of high-quality technical solutions, conducting technical interviews, and mentoring team members.
I also bring experience in defining project visions, setting development strategies, and prioritizing technologies to align with business goals.


Programming languages

Advanced knowledge of JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, HTML, CSS, SCSS. Basic knowledge of Java, PHP


React, Redux, TailwindCSS, Next.js, GatsbyJS, Storybook etc.


AWS, AWS-CDK, AWS-SDK, Serverless


Node.js, Express JS, GraphQL, MongoDB, DynamoDB, MySQL

Other technologies

Jest, Selenium, Webpack, Lerna, NPM, Elastic Search & Kibana, Sumologic, NewRelic, SonarQube, sitespeed.io, Lighthouse

Work history (13 years 5 months)

Dynatrace (Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria) 🇦🇹

October 2023 - Now (1 year 5 months)
Dynatrace is an observability platform that uses AI to monitor application performance, cloud infrastructure, and user experience

> Senior Software Developer

Maintenance of a new Dynatrace Kubernetes web application, related services and libraries. Profiling and improvements of React application performance.
Code review, code refactoring, technical interviews for different teams.

TomTom (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 🇳🇱

January 2019 - September 2023 (4 years 7 months)
TomTom is a global leader in location technology, providing navigation, maps, and traffic data for drivers, businesses, and smart cities
ReactReduxThunkSagaTypescriptGatsbyJSTailwindCSSGraphQLDockerNode.jsSCSSjestAWSAWS-CDKAWS-SDKsitespeed.ioGrafanaStorybookJavaSeleniumGitHub actions

> Expert Software Developer

Developed the core part of a new route planning web application https://plan.tomtom.com.
Started development of the new web SDK for TomTom public services and it's distribution infrastructure.
Implemented a micro-service for authentication and it's infrastructure.
Supported and improved AWS CI/CD system, high concurrency automation testing infrastructure and performance testing dashboard.
Code review, code refactoring, technical interviews, hiring, mentorship

> Senior Software Developer

Started a new development team, participated in hiring, onboarding and mentorship.
Bootstrapped and developed the core part of a next generation Road Trips web application with pre-rendering, server-side rendering, lazy loading and localization.
Implemented AWS CI/CD system with feature branches support for the web app. Initiated and implemented basis of reusable UI and SDK npm libraries and their distribution infrastructure with feature branches support.
Implemented high concurrency automation testing infrastructure for the web app that reduced execution time of Selenium java tests from 2 hours to 3 - 5 minutes.
Implemented a basic performance testing analysis system for web app and its infrastructure.
Implemented web application observability, runtime configuration delivery, CI/CD and their infrastructure systems.
Developed a POC service with backend map rendering.

Albelli (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 🇳🇱

April 2016 - January 2019 (2 years 9 months)
Albelli is a company that specializes in creating personalized photo products such as photo books, wall art, and calendars.

> Software developer > Senior software developer

Participated in development and maintenance of online photo editors and hybrid mobile application.
Developed different tools for debugging, logging and fixing customer issues.
Set up code quality monitoring system.

Insoft Global (Kharkiv, Ukraine) 🇺🇦

April 2013 - April 2016 (3 years)
Insoft Global is a company that provides software development services for various industries.
Sencha ExtJSSCSSNode.jsJava

> JavaScript Developer

Participated in front end and server side development of cloud management platforms, energy management and infrastructure management platforms.
Implemented POC of a hybrid mobile application
Code review, code refactoring, technical interviews, hiring, onboarding, mentorship

Various companies (web studios and outsourcing) 🇺🇦

August 2011 - March 2013 (1 year 6 months)
Various companies in web studios and outsourcing providing development and QA services.
JavaScriptjQueryCSSBackbone JSPHPMySQLLAMPWordPress

> QA > Junior PHP > JavaScript Developer

Participated in front end development of an e-commerce project
Developed numerous websites using Wordpress and OpenCart. Implemented plugins, widgets and themes for Wordpress. Preliminary project analysis. Tasks estimation. User guides writing
Manual testing. Specification writing. UI prototyping
Developed by Oleksii Popov